Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trick or Treat

My Daughter Ellyza

Chocolate Cupcake with Buttercream Frosting and Chocolate Chip on Top

My Niece Nikki

Moments with my sisters

A chocolate cupcake with butter cream frosting and chocolate chip on top in exchange for the costume Tinkerbell color green and pink........

My friend and I who both practicing our talent in creativity, we agreed that she made me a costume for my daughter and for my niece for their Trick or Treat and I bake for her a cupcake and a brownies for payment......that is! a TINKERBELL and a CUPCAKE and we both like it.....and we hoping and expecting orders sooner :-)

Happy Halloween!


hendrytha said...

nice blog always learning

Pinch of thoughts said...

galing ng costumes so cute. lhen teach me how to do the icing. post the instructions please...

lhenie coronado babao said...

sure thea, di ko pa lang na post....sige next time i'll post it. super easy lang....